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Monday, March 25, 2013

Цуйван - Tsuivan (Mongolian Noodle With Beef and Vegetables

Hi everyone.  On this episode of cook with Oyuka,  I'm going to show you how to cook Tsuivan.
It is one of my favorite Mongolian dishes. So delicious :)

You will need:

- All purpose flour
- Beef (or the meat of your choice but not chicken)
- 3 potatoes 
- 1 carrot
- Cabbage
- Onion
- Sunflower Oil
- Salt

I'm making 4 serving. Depending on how many serving you're going to make you can multi apply the ingredients. 

Let's start with making a dough. It will save time if you prepare your Tsuivan noodle first. 

  • Make a dough as you normally do. Mix flour and water to create a pliable dough. 
  • Let it rest for 3-5 min. You will get soft texture. Keep in mind that Tsuivan noodle shouldn't be hard. If so, it will be hard to roll the sheet.
  • Separate in to pieces and roll into round and thin sheets. 
  • Pour some oil in the center of one sheet. Distribute the oil over the surface by temporarily folding the sheet together from different directions.
  • While you are rolling the sheets boil some water to steam the noodles. 

  • Once the oil evenly distributed, you're ready to roll the sheet into one piece, like on the picture one. 
  • When the water boiled, place noodles on the steamer, put the lid on and steam it for 20min. 
  • After that, let noodles cool for about 10min. While it's cooling you can prepare the vegetables.  
  • Cut noodles about 0.4 cm wide. 

Now let's move on to the vegetables. 
  • Cut all the vegetables into narrow pieces (it's optional, feel free to cut the vegetables into any kind of pieces as you'd like to) 

Heat your pan and pour some sunflower oil. 
  • Once the oil heated, and add the onion. Cook it for about 1 min.
  • Then, add the cabbage and cook it until it softens but do not burn or develop any brown color. 
  • ( It's better to cook the cabbage under closed lid ) 
  • Add the rest of your veggies and beef.  Cook it for about 9-10 min. Make sure the vegetables do not stick to the pan. 
  • Now season the vegetables with some salt.
  • Add some water as required so that nothing sticks and it will cook faster. But do not add too much water in the first place, if so potato will mashed. That's not good. 
  • Don't forget to put the lid on :p 

  • Once the water boiled, place the noodles on the top of the vegetables
  • Close the lid ! It is important
  • Cook it until the water completely gone
  • Use a fork or spoon to mix all the ingredients 
  • Serve on a plate and add some narrow sliced cucumber for extra flavor. Season it with ketchup (if you'd like to) it goes well with ketchup. 
Hope you like it. Enjoy your meal :)



  1. It looks like my traditional food too..I miss it when I see this!! Of course it's delicious-really delicious!! I'm hungry now!!

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